Currency API API Reference

The currency APIs help you retrieve exchange rates and convert prices between currencies easily.

Swagger OpenAPI Specification | .NET Framework Client | .NET Core Client | Java Client | Node.JS Client | Python Client | Drupal Client

API Endpoint
Schemes: https
Version: v1



API Key Authentication



Get a list of available currencies and corresponding countries

POST /currency/exchange-rates/list-available

Enumerates available currencies and the countries that correspond to these currencies.

Code Example:
Response Content-Types: application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
Response Example (200 OK)
  "Currencies": [
      "ISOCurrencyCode": "string",
      "CurrencySymbol": "string",
      "CurrencyEnglishName": "string",
      "CountryName": "string",
      "CountryThreeLetterCode": "string",
      "CountryISOTwoLetterCode": "string",
      "IsEuropeanUnionMember": "boolean"

Converts a price from the source currency into the destination currency

POST /currency/exchange-rates/convert/{source}/to/{destination}

Automatically converts the price in the source currency into the destination currency using the latest available currency exchange rate data.

Input price, such as 19.99 in source currency

source: string
in path

Source currency three-digit code (ISO 4217), e.g. USD, EUR, etc.

destination: string
in path

Destination currency three-digit code (ISO 4217), e.g. USD, EUR, etc.

Code Example:
Request Content-Types: application/json, text/json
Request Example
"number (double)"
Response Content-Types: application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
Response Example (200 OK)
  "ConvertedPrice": "number (double)",
  "ISOCurrencyCode": "string",
  "CurrencySymbol": "string",
  "FormattedPriceAsString": "string"

Gets the exchange rate from the source currency into the destination currency

POST /currency/exchange-rates/get/{source}/to/{destination}

Automatically gets the exchange rate from the source currency into the destination currency using the latest available currency exchange rate data.

source: string
in path

Source currency three-digit code (ISO 4217), e.g. USD, EUR, etc.

destination: string
in path

Destination currency three-digit code (ISO 4217), e.g. USD, EUR, etc.

Code Example:


Response Content-Types: application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
Response Example (200 OK)
  "ExchangeRate": "number (double)"

Schema Definitions

AvailableCurrencyResponse: object

Result of performing an enumerate currencies operation

Currencies: AvailableCurrency

List of available currencies from the API

  "Currencies": [
      "ISOCurrencyCode": "string",
      "CurrencySymbol": "string",
      "CurrencyEnglishName": "string",
      "CountryName": "string",
      "CountryThreeLetterCode": "string",
      "CountryISOTwoLetterCode": "string",
      "IsEuropeanUnionMember": "boolean"

AvailableCurrency: object

Details of a specific currency

ISOCurrencyCode: string

ISO 4217 currency three-letter code associated with the country

CurrencySymbol: string

Symbol associated with the currency

CurrencyEnglishName: string

Full name of the currency

CountryName: string

Name of the country

CountryThreeLetterCode: string

Three-letter ISO 3166-1 country code

CountryISOTwoLetterCode: string

Two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code

IsEuropeanUnionMember: boolean

True if this country is currently a member of the European Union (EU), false otherwise

  "ISOCurrencyCode": "string",
  "CurrencySymbol": "string",
  "CurrencyEnglishName": "string",
  "CountryName": "string",
  "CountryThreeLetterCode": "string",
  "CountryISOTwoLetterCode": "string",
  "IsEuropeanUnionMember": "boolean"

ConvertedCurrencyResult: object

Result of performing a Convert Currency operation

ConvertedPrice: number (double)

The converted price in the destination currency

ISOCurrencyCode: string

ISO 4217 currency three-letter code of destination price

CurrencySymbol: string

Destination currency symbol

FormattedPriceAsString: string

Formatted price in the destination currency as a string

  "ConvertedPrice": "number (double)",
  "ISOCurrencyCode": "string",
  "CurrencySymbol": "string",
  "FormattedPriceAsString": "string"

ExchangeRateResult: object

Result of performing a get exchange rate operation

ExchangeRate: number (double)

The exchange rate from the source to the destination currency

  "ExchangeRate": "number (double)"