Getting Started with Cloudmersive and Drupal 8

Step 1 - Download and Install the Module(s)

- To scan all image file uploads to Drupal with Cloudmersive Anti-virus, download the Cloudmersive NSFW Image Blocker

- To scan all file uploads to Drupal with Cloudmersive Anti-virus, download the Cloudmersive Anti-virus Module

Install the module(s) from the Drupal Administration UI by clicking on the Extend tab. Be sure to enable the module(s) after you install them.

Step 2 - Configure your API Key

Add your API Key (available in your Account Dashboard) into the administration UI. For the NSFW module, this can be found by browsing the UI or at /admin/config/media/cloudmersivensfw. For the Anti-virus module, this can be found by similarly by browsing the administration UI.

Step 3 - Try it out

Try uploading files to see it work. For the NSFW image blocker, you can try adjusting the filter level from 0.0 (allow anything) to 1.0 (allow nothing). The default is 0.8 and is the recommended value for typical use cases.

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