Private Cloud - Stop, Start and Restart Overview

Cloudmersive Private Cloud services can be stopped, started, and restarted. Follow these procedures to complete these operations.

Stop Services

To stop Cloudmersive Services, which will cause downtime for the node (but not the cluster in a High-Availability configuration), log in to the Cloudmersive Management Portal, click on Private Cloud Deployment, and select the node in question. Scroll down to the Management section. Look for the command labeled "To stop the services, run this command (causes node downtime):" and execute this command in an Administrator Powershell console from the directory where you placed the Cloudmersive Installer.

Start / Restart Services

To restart Cloudmersive Services, which will cause downtime for the node (but not the cluster in a High-Availability configuration), log in to the Cloudmersive Management Portal, click on Private Cloud Deployment, and select the node in question. Scroll down to the Management section. Look for the command labeled "To restart the services, run this command (causes node downtime):" and execute this command in an Administrator Powershell console from the directory where you placed the Cloudmersive Installer.