Cloudmersive Private HTTPS / TLS Encryption


Cloudmersive Private Cloud natively supports HTTPS and TLS encryption. To configure HTTPS and TLS encryption, simply follow these steps.

Public Certificate

Configure DNS

To encrypt your traffic using a public certificate, first configure a Domain Name record for your server, such as To do this, configure a DNS A record using the static public IP address of your Cloudmersive Private Cloud server.

Configure IIS Endpoint and Certificate

First, copy your certificate file (typically a .pfx file) onto your server. Navigate to Administrator Tools on the start menu. Double-click on Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

Now, click on the server on the left hand side, and then double-click on Server Certificates on the right-hand side.

Click on Import... and then browse for the .pfx file. If necessary, enter the password for the certificate file and then import the certificate. This will store the certificate in the Windows Server Trust Store for use in HTTPS encryption.

Now, navigate to Sites and then Default Web Site on the left-hand side. On the right click on Bindings...

Click on Add... and then under type choose "https". Under hostname enter the fully-qualified host name, such as Under SSL Certificate select the certificate that you previously imported into the server's Trust Store. Click on "OK."

You are now complete - your server will now resolve URLs of the form You can test this by opening this URL in a web browser that has a full Internet connection.