Private Cloud Artificial Intelligence Services Installation Best Practices


To install Cloudmersive Private Cloud Artificial Intelligence Services, a separate server(s) is required.


Licensing is required for Cloudmersive Private Cloud. Work with your Cloudmersive repreesentative to provision trial or production licenses into your account. Licensing is based on environment (pre-production, production) and core needs.

Hardware Provisioning

The first step to install is to provision the hardware or virtual machines needed and associated infrastructure. For single-node operation, a single server is required. For high-availability, a minimum of two nodes is required. A minimum of 300 GB of disk space (SSD-based disks are recommended), 24 GB of RAM, and 2 compute cores is required.

AWS recommended configuration

When creating your EC2 Virtual Machine instance, we recommend a m5.xlarge (4 cores) or r5.large (2 cores) or higher/equivalent. See above requirements for disk space, and RAM.

Azure recommended configuration

When creating your Virtual Machine instance, we recommend a DS3_v2 or higher/equivalent. See above requirements for disk space, and RAM.

GCP recommended configuration

When creating your Compute Engine instance, we recommend a n1-standard-4 or equivalent. See above requirements for disk space, and RAM.

Software Installation Pre-requisites

RedHat Enterprise Linux 7 or CentOS 7 with a graphical user interface (GUI) enabled is required. See additional software pre-requisites in the Installation page in Management > Private Cloud Deployment. Be sure to install the latest software updates prior to beginning the installation process.

This server should be installed on an isolated network that is ideally only accessible from the other Cloudmersive Private Cloud nodes. This server is internal-facing and is not intended to be placed directly exposed to inbound Internet traffic. The installer will automatically open these ports: 8002, 8000, 8001, 8011, 8015, 8020, 8030, 8050, 8060, 8069, 8070, 8055, 8057, 9157.

Performing the Installation

Navigate to the Cloudmersive Management portal, log in, and click on Private Cloud Deployment. You will see one item for each node in the cluster. To install a node in the cluster, click on the corresponding node and the follow the directions for your environment. Depending on your configuration and license, the instructions will vary.